There are 4 different taxes that are paid when buying real estate in TRNC.
Different taxes apply to transfers by gift. Grants from parents to children are taxed at 0.2%, grants from spouse to spouse are taxed at 0.4%, grants from grandparents to grandchildren are taxed at 0.4% + withholding tax.
There are important issues that foreign real or legal persons should pay attention to in order to avoid any victimization and the path they should follow within the framework of the law when purchasing land or housing and/or long-term leasing transactions in the TRNC.
Our organization, which is the legal representative of the construction sector, underlines some important issues, which are summarized below, in order to guide those who want to invest in this direction in our country.
Within the framework of the Law No. 52/2008 “Acquisition of Immovable Property and Long-Term Leasing (Foreigners)” adopted by the TRNC Republican Assembly on November 10, 2008, real or legal persons of foreign nationality have the right to purchase or lease immovable property in our country, subject to the approval of the Council of Ministers, provided that official procedures and legal applications are made.
Foreign persons who will purchase or lease immovable property in the TRNC must apply to the Ministry of Interior and obtain the approval of the Council of Ministers as a result of the investigations to be carried out by the Ministry in order to be able to purchase immovable property and to be legally entitled to that property. The approval process varies depending on the nature of the application and is usually completed in a period of 6 to 12 months.
Foreign real or legal persons may own or lease real estate on a long-term basis, provided that they comply with the legal limits and fulfill the necessary legal procedures (Articles 8 and 9 of the relevant law).
Foreigners who will buy or lease immovable property in the TRNC must apply to the Ministry of Interior and obtain the approval of the Council of Ministers as a result of the investigations to be carried out by the Ministry in order to be able to purchase immovable property and to be legally entitled to that property.
It is obligatory to apply and register the contracts made with foreigners who purchase or lease immovable property in the TRNC within 30 days at the latest in order to be registered in the Registry at the Land Registry and Cadastre Office of the district where the immovable property is located.
TRNC law does not allow foreigners to purchase or lease immovable property in certain areas (e.g. military zones) for security reasons. The legal distance to obtain this right is 300 (three hundred) meters, provided that other legal requirements are also complied with. It is therefore recommended that interested persons investigate the location of the immovable property before making any commitment and/or signing a contract.
Under our laws, the Council of Ministers has the authority to limit the acquisition of immovable property by foreigners in special cases.
Again, in accordance with our laws, the above-mentioned conditions regarding the acquisition or long-term lease of immovable property in our country by foreign nationals do not apply in the case of a partnership with a company owner whose 51% shares are TRNC citizens, but they are exempt from these restrictions and practices.
Foreign nationals are advised to be careful about the following issues in order to avoid any victimization;
When buying and selling land in the TRNC, you will often come across acre, acre square and square foot (ft2) units of measurement. You can easily make calculations with our square meter to acre to square foot converter below.
Ceyhun Tunalı and Sons (CTS) was founded in 2023 by Ceyhun Tunalı.
All projects have the Equivalent Stub type.
The starting price of our projects is £130,000 and continues up to £500,000.
Ataturk Caddesi, Kalecik, Iskele.
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